BMI for a person who is 4'0.5 and 130.5 pounds


Body mass index is a number used to compare a person's height to their weight. It's often a rough measure to dertermine if somebody is underweight, a healthy weight, or obese. An adult BMI between 18.5 and 25 is generally considered healthy. BMI is calculated the same way for both men and women.
Compare body mass index by height (feet and inches) and weight (lbs)
Is 4'0.5 and 130.5 pounds considered overweight or underweight? Body Mass Index is a very rough measure to determine if a person weighs too much or too little. It is calculated the same way for a man or woman. How much should I weigh? This depends on many factors, such as body frame, body fat percentage, and amount of lean muscle mass.
4foot0.5 130.5lbs
4ft0.5 130.5pounds